Why use webhooks

The Apten API is designed to be used in real-time applications. Webhooks are a way to receive real-time notifications from the Attent API when certain events occur. For example, you may want to know when Apten tags a new lead, or when a new notification is created. Webhooks are a way for the Attent API to send these real-time events to your application.

Configuring webhooks

To configure webhooks, you must provide a URL where the Attent API can send events. You can configure webhooks in the Developer Portal. Once you have configured a webhook, the Attent API will send an HTTP request to the URL you provided with JSON data whenever the event occurs.

You can also provide a secret key when configuring a webhook. The secret key is used to sign the webhook request, so you can verify that the request is coming from the Attent API. You can learn more about verifying webhooks in the Verifying Webhooks section.

The two types of events that can trigger a webhook are:

Webhook Event Schema Body

Webhook endpoints will be called with the following JSON body:

  event, // Event name
  timestamp, // Datetime string in ISO 8601 format
  data // Event-specific details